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SU Community Coffee Morning

5th Nov 2015
SU Community Coffee Morning


On Saturday the 17th October Rathfriland High’s Scripture Union hosted their second Community Coffee Morning.  The Coffee morning ran from 10am to 12pm and it was well attended by pupils, parents and members of the local community and churches. Those who came along enjoyed freshly made pancakes, scones, tray bakes and buns along with live music from the talented GCSE Music pupils.


The morning was a great success and in total we raised £756 towards the running of our school mission in February. Thank you to all those who gave so generously.


The SU staff would like to thank all the members of staff who baked and supported the event. Also a big thank you to all the local churches and their support of the SU and those pupils who gave up their morning to help serve and perform.


Mrs Gough, Mrs Hawthorne, Mrs Wallace, Mrs Annett and Mrs Sommerville.