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Mission Statement

Rathfriland High School’s Mission Statement

‘To instil, through the teaching and learning within the school, the pursuit and realisation of excellence alongside values, attitudes and beliefs which foster self growth, self confidence and an appreciation of cultural identity coupled with an understanding and acceptance of diversity.’



Rights and Responsibilities 

Everyone in the school community has rights but they also have responsibilities:



Pupils and Staff have a Right:

  • To be safe
  • To be heard
  • To be able to learn and teach without unnecessary interruption
  • To fair treatment
  • To be treated with respect

Parents have a Right:

  • To be heard
  • To have their child taught in a safe, supportive environment
  • To fair treatment
  • To be treated with respect
  • To be informed of their child’s progress



Pupil Responsibilities

  • To respect the rights of teachers to teach and other pupils to learn
  • To accept direction and correction by staff in the classroom and elsewhere
  • To arrive properly equipped to school each day
  • To arrive on time each day and for each class wearing the correct uniform
  • To bring completed homework to school on time
  • To allow other pupils to get on with their work
  • To abide by school rules
  • To treat with respect all school property and that of others


Staff Responsibilities are:

  • To be fair and consistent
  • To have high expectations of pupils in all respects
  • To use appropriate learning and teaching strategies
  • To reward pupil achievement
  • To maintain good classroom management
  • To promote a climate of mutual respect
  • To maintain a stimulating learning environment
  • To exhibit professionalism and integrity
  • To implement school policies and rules


Parents’ Responsibilities are:

  • To ensure their child comes to school on time every day, wearing the correct uniform and fully equipped
  • To ensure their child has homework and coursework completed and delivered on time
  • To support the school in it’s expectations of pupil behaviour
  • To provide absence notes
  • To attend parent/teacher meetings
  • To treat school staff with respect