Uniform - September 2024 - June 2025

The wearing of school uniform is compulsory and develops equality of self-esteem whilst assisting in the promotion of good order and discipline.
Girls Uniform
Blazer - Black blazer with school badge
Skirt - Black skirt with double inverted pleats
Shirt - White long-sleeved blouse
Tie - Clip on School tie or prefect tie
Jumper - Black v neck jumper (optional)
Shoes - Black shoes, low heeled
Socks or Tights Black knee socks or black tights
Coat Plain black coat or PE kit supplier hoodie, padded jacket etc.
Scarf - School scarf or plain black scarf
Girls PE
School PE jersey
School PE shorts or school Pe leggings
School PE socks
Shoes - Gym shoes
Boys Uniform
Blazer - Black blazer with school badge
Trousers - Black trousers
Shirt - White long-sleeved shirt
Tie - Clip on School tie or prefect tie
Jumper - Black v neck jumper (optional)
Shoes - Black shoes
Socks - Black socks
Coat Plain black coat or PE kit supplier hoodie, padded jacket etc.
Boys PE
School PE Rugby jersey
School PE shorts
Socks Emerald green hooped socks
School PE socks
Shoes - Gym shoes
Boots Football boots / rugby boots
Outdoor Jackets and Hoodies
Parents please note the following:-
- That coats should be worn over school blazers and they should be BLACK and not have large or coloured logos emblazoned on them. PE Kit hoodies and padded jackets may be worn. Coats and school hoodies may be worn during P.E. and games, at break and lunchtime or on the way to and from school, but should not be worn in class or the corridors.
- If pupils want to provide extra warmth to the school uniform during winter months, this can be done via a plain white T shirt or vest, worn under the school shirt or by wearing a plain black V neck jumper. As stated above, hoodies and coats may not be worn in class or in the corridors.
- September 2023 sees a return to the wearing of full school uniform on each day of the week. PE and Games kit should be brought on the day of these lessons and pupils will return to changing in the changing rooms. Selected classes will wear alternate clothing, by arrangment to participate in certain courses.
- Jewellery - pupils may wear one small plain stud in the lobe of each ear. In the interests of Health/Hygiene & Safety, dangling earrings are not permitted. Nose,brow and other piercings piercing are not permitted. Other jewellery, such as necklaces, bracelets etc. should not be worn.
- Make-up and nail varnish must not be worn.
- The school does not permit extreme hairstyles or colours. Pupils are expected to wear their hair in a neat and tidy style; the length of boy’s hair should not be below the collar. Boys should be clean shaven.
- Girls must wear regulation school skirts. These must not be altered – shortened, taken in etc.
- Girls must wear flat heeled black shoes.
Please note
Some aspects of uniform are subjective and the Board of Governors and School Leadership reserve the right to rule on matters of subjectivity.
Uniforms can be purchased from the following retail outlets:
- Robin Fields, Banbridge
- S.D. Kells, Banbridge
- S.M. Shoes, Rathfriland.
- PE Kit - PLAYR-FIT via online order at https://playr-fit.com/rathfriland-high-school-students (orders may be placed from 27th June 2023.
If parents purchase a blazer without a school badge, badges for blazers and are available from the school. The school tracksuit and is an optional item. School Hoodies are available to order from the school.
Clothing Grant
The Education Authority provide assistance via uniform grants to eligible families. Further details can be found at :
It is very important that all articles are clearly marked with pupil’s name in indelible ink or embroidered (PE kit)