
It is important to promote e-Safety in the home and to monitor Internet use.
- Keep the computer in a communal area of the home
- Be aware that children have access to the Internet via gaming stations and portable technologies such as iPads and smart phones
- Monitor on-line time and be aware of excessive hours spent on the internet
- Take an interest in what children are doing. Discuss with the child what they are seeing and using on the Internet
- Advise children to take care and to use the internet in a sensible and responsible manner. Know the SMART tips
- Be vigilant. Ensure that children do not arrange to meet someone they only know through on-line activity
- Remind children to never give out personal information on-line
- Remind children that people on-line may not be who they say they are
- Encourage you child to respect themselves and others when using on-line facilities - to think about what pictures are posted on Social Networking sites and what it written and placed in the public domain
- Encourage your child to use the highest security settings on Social Networking sites and to only have 'real' friends as contacts
SECRET Always keep your name, address, mobile phone number and password private - it's like giving out the keys to your home!
MEETING someone you have contacted in cyberspace can be dangerous. Only do so with your parent's or carer's permission, and then when they can be present.
ACCEPTING emails or opening files from people you don't really know or trust can get you into trouble - they may contain viruses or nasty messages.
REMEMBER someone on-line may be lying and not be who they say they are. Stick to the public areas in chat rooms and if you feel uncomfortable simply get out of there!
TELL your parent or carer if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.
The internet can be a fantastic place for children and young people where they can talk to friends, be creative and have fun. However, just like in the real world sometimes things can go wrong.
If you or your child are worried or upset about something which has happened on the internet there is help out there. CEOP - Child Exploitation and On-line Protection can be used to report on-line abuse.