Access Keys:


Home Economics


Teachers: Mrs E Wallace and Miss H Brady

Technician: Mrs A McDowell


KEY STAGE 3All pupils in years 8, 9 and 10 will study Home Economics for two periods each week.

When we hear the term, ‘Home Economics’ most of us think about cooking and food. Home Economics is about much more than food however. There are three main concepts:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Home and Family Life
  • Independent Living.

In order to explore the three concepts above, pupils will cover a range of topics and in doing so develop a range of practical food skills and whole curriculum skills and capabilities. These skills combined with the knowledge and understanding they obtain, will enable students to lead effective lives as individuals and family members as well as members of the wider community.

Home Economics combines aspects of science, nutrition, cooking, parenting skills and consumerism. Students learn about the inter-relationships between diet, health, family, home and choice and the management of resources.

Pupils will complete regular practical activities, developing their practical skills to produce high quality sweet and savoury food items. 


CCEA GCSE HOME ECONOMICS: FOOD AND NUTRITION is a popular choice at GCSE level. Pupils will study Home Economics for 4 periods each week.

The GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition specification offers opportunities to build on the knowledge, skills and capabilities developed through the delivery of the Northern Ireland Curriculum at Key Stage 3. It encourages students to develop knowledge and understanding of the science behind food. 

Topics covered include:

  • Food provenance, processing and production
  • Food and nutrition for good health
  • Energy
  • Macronutrients
  • Micronutrients
  • Fibre
  • Water
  • Nutritional and dietary needs
  • Priority health issues
  • Being an effective consumer when shopping for food
  • Factors affecting food choice
  • Food safety
  • Resource management
  • Food preparation, cooking and presentation skills

The course helps to prepare young people for adult life and independent living and also provides an excellent foundation for young people who wish to undertake further study in this area for example progression to CCEA’s A Level in Nutrition and Food Science. This course also provides a suitable basis for those seeking employment within the Food and Drinks Sector as well as many other jobs including:

  • Product development
  • Health promotion
  • Childcare services
  • Environmental Health
  • Teaching
  • Dietetics
  • Nutritionist                                                                    
  • Environmental Health officer
  • Social work
  • Marketing including advertising
  • Catering and Hospitality management
  • Food photography






Component 1: Food and Nutrition

External written examination

2 hours

120 marks

The written paper includes multiple choice, short and structured questions and questions requiring extended writing.


Will be completed at the end of Year 12

Component 2: Practical Food and Nutrition

Controlled assessment

120 marks

Students complete one task that involves the following:

Part A: Research and Viewpoints;

Part B: Justification of Choice;

Part C: Planning;

Part D: Practical Activity;


Part E: Evaluation

Teachers mark the task and these are then submitted to CCEA for moderation.


Will be completed in Year 12


Revision link