Ms Margaret Ritchie, MP Visits Rarthfriland High School

On Friday 23rd November Rathfriland High School had a special speaker at its assembly. Ms Margaret Ritchie, MP was the invited speaker. As part of the nationwide Parliament Week, MP’s had the opportunity to visit schools in their constituency and give pupils an insight into their day to day work.
Ms Ritchie gave an interesting address of her work not only at Westminster but also in the South Down area. As part of Rathfriland High’s Anti-bullying week, Ms Ritchie was able to talk freely about an issue close to her heart. The right of a child to learn and be free from bullying was clearly expressed.
After Assembly pupils from Year 9 were able to quiz Margaret on a wide range of issues close to their heart. Questions concerning single farm payment, the rainforests, anti-social behaviour and the current strife in the Middle East, were dealt with in a most thorough way.
The school would like to thank Ms Ritchie for taking time out from her busy schedule to visit the school.