Year 10 Geography Class Bun Sale

Year 10 Geography classes have recently been studying ‘Development’ issues and agreed that they would like to do something to help those in poorer parts of the world. They decided to bake some buns using Fair Trade products and then sell them to the rest of the school.
The sale took place on Thursday 10th April and several local businesses also generously donated prizes for raffles. The Year 10s raised an amazing £515.30 which will be donated to ‘New Beginnings’ an orphanage set up by Roger Annett in Uganda.
The lucky raffle winners were as follows:
Stationery Hamper (donated by Hilltop Variety Stores) – Scott Wallace 8A3
Easter Hamper (donated by Barbican Super Valu) - Ellen McDonald 9A1
Guess the Eggs in the Jar (donated by The Milestone) - Lee Patterson 11A3
Guess the Eggs in the Jar (donated by Grahams Ice Cream) - Miss Orr
Large Easter Egg (donated by the Milestone) - Christopher Worrall 10A3