Year 11 Stormont trip

Year 11 Stormont trip
On Tuesday 18th of May Year 11 travelled to Stormont buildings. They went as part of the LLW course. After arrival we made our way to the educational rooms where we received a short presentation on the history and background of Stormont itself. Then this was followed by our own mini election where we had to choose from four parities which were aimed at our age group, for example the no smoking party or the four day week party. Each party had a representative and presented us with a speech trying to win our votes. After the votes were counted Neil came out on top earning the position of MLA with Rachel coming second in the election.
Next, we had the opportunity to sit in on a discussion between our local MLA’s, on the subject of education. Here we had the chance to hear the opinion of the different parties and what they thought of the state of education in Northern Ireland.
Finally we were given a tour of one of the discussion chambers, here we found out how a fire, which started under the speakers seat caused the whole room to be ruined.