Year 8 Audacity Training at Rathfriland High School led by Amma

The ICT Department of Rathfriland High School were delighted to welcome Niall Totten, Multi-Media Engineer from AmmA Centre, to provide training for year 8 students in the use of audacity. The training took place over 3 sessions with all year 8 pupils getting the opportunity to participate.
The pupils were then given the opportunity to produce a radio advert to showcase a product of their choice for the Christmas market. These products ranged from washing machines to xbox games! Pupils produced an advertisement script, recorded their voice and then added music and sound effects to enhance their work using Audacity.
The training was both productive and enjoyable and great preparation for an upcoming unit of study on audacity next term. A big thank you to Niall and the Amma Centre for giving of their time and expertise to help our budding advertisers at RHS!